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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Two Days In, In the Steam Server

 My character based on another band.
Too bad I'm going away for a week and can't play.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Two Jameelers?

Why are you hitting yourself? LOL
Jam sent me his POV

Monday, May 11, 2015

Some Fan art and a new Weapon idea

 Some Fan Art

If there were classes in Aberoth


Mage Class

Warrior Class

Some Vault Painting Ideas

 New Weapon: Nightstick 

Another Blunt Weapon 
Has the effect to confuse you for a short period of time (getting knocked silly).

Low Quality Inventory Picture

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Looking Back

Wizard in one of his first posts








Saturday, May 2, 2015

Some Tombing today

 Doing some betting

Trios are fun until they get hairy
Pretty large group was pretty easy

Monday, April 27, 2015

Life 40 and Mind Shield Buds

Grabbed a Few friends I saw with Mind Shields to take a picture to celebrate Milkguy's new shield.Congrats Milk! 
 Pretty big mile stone for me. First skill at 40.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Evolution and Cool ladder

Skillet 2.0
Skillet 1.0


  Super cool ladder that Pencilpete showed me.
 He told me that him, Ging and Imserious all helped to make it.

Epic Movie scene reenactment. 
Spoiler Alert: We both died from fall damage.  :'(

Random Pictures (Sorry for not posting)

 Me and Nick.
The Sun

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Weird Stuff

 Was walking to Mino when all of a sudden it say Session has ended. Then I log back on and
I spawn back here.

Can't leave town.

Besides that beginner field.

Some weird stuff is going on!
I'm pretty sure its both servers but my alt hasn't been teleported hes at Ourik.